
2010-05-31 9:08 pm
This will help identify if the manager has any exposure to growth or to other

capitalization stocks

回答 (3)

2010-05-31 10:28 pm
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This will help identify if the manager has any exposure to growth or to other capitalization stocks

文法上無錯。Help identify 的 identify 是 "bare infinitive", 所以句子结構沒問題。

但意思上, "exposure to growth" 有問題。"growth" 憑單字不能描述是甚麼 growth。


This will help idenitfy if the manager has any exposure to growth or other capitalization stocks.

在這句,growth or other capitalization stocks 本是 growth stocks or other capitalization stocks, 但因為用 "or", 所以第一個 "stocks" 字可以省畧。

但如果想用 to 在 or 後面,就不能省畧 "stocks", 句子會是:
This will help identify if the manager has any exposure to growth stocks or to other capitalization stocks.


參考: myself
2010-05-31 9:50 pm
文法上當然有點不對,同時所提到的growth "stocks?"和"other" captization stocks合二為一的寫法亦有點混亂,因為一般而言是會把or前和後的東西分開看的,跟and不同,不能把兩樣同類但不同種的東西以or結合談論,所以我不太明白他所說manager所遇到/接觸(exposure)的"growth"是甚麼,他的「生長」-長高了,唯有跟後面的stock類別為理解,未知是否如此。

This will help to identify whether the manager has any...

exposure to是prep. phrase,所以如並排兩樣東西亦不會重復to的:

exposure to radiation or viruses.

如以上文所言的理解一種叫growth stock,另一種叫capitization stock的話也只會:
exposure to growth or other capatization stocks.

2010-05-31 9:42 pm
Capitalization stock
It helps the manager to identify any exposure growth or not.
參考: hope it help you

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