
2010-05-31 7:44 pm
我想六月中到加拿大探親, 想帶些杧果乾, 牛肉乾, 豬肉乾, 罐頭鮑魚,
乾堯柱, 冬茹, 花膠等送給親友, 可以入境嗎? 需否申報? 需否打稅?
是否申報了便可入境? 請指教!

回答 (2)

2010-05-31 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2010-06-01 9:14 am
where your relatives live? near any big cities?

if yes, you should not waste money to buy thoese stuff for them.
the things you mention above are very common and cheap in their city Chinese stores.

what you think where all the China export products gone?

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