✔ 最佳答案
Talking on this side makes me feel out of the normal track.
But I don’t care about it anymore. So, I’d just transmit it if I want?
Although I’ve already knew about X and listened to your songs,
I’ve never noticed that.
Not long ago when you came to Hong Kong for show, I got the tickets and watched.
It really appealed me.
Most contests couldn’t give you that feeling.
I felt this group is amazing.
I’ve noticed a book entitled ‘xxx’ not long ago when walking around the bookstore,
so I pick it up and take a look.
Then I continue to find the history books that I wanted to read.
When I couldn’t find anything I pick up your book again,
thought, ‘Just try to know it more, I don’t want to think of work.’
So I bought it
Now when I look back, I feel sorry for the author.
It’s lucky that I’ve brought this book.
When I finished reading, I didn’t know what to say.
Too many feelings make me unable to speak.
Everything seemed wrong to say.
When I searched for your past videos online,
I’d have a thought,
‘xxx, how do you actually face it’
then I’d feel uneasy
Just didn’t know how to describe.
Like a feel that made us have a will to protect him.
So stupid, right?
I couldn’t feel my own existence.
Only pain could tell me I’m still alive
Even now I’d stay at the back on the platform
I still afraid I will leap down to the railway.
I felt that I was so horrible to think that
Although I knew it’s so selfish.
I wanted to escape from it.
When I came into the society I felt this world was really…
too terrible.
The will to hide myself grew stronger
I didn’t want to face the truth, but I knew I’m trying to escape.
Humans are contradiction.
Always want others to give us a hand
But will never open the window and take out our hand
Maybe it’d come one day…a girl’s intuition(laugh)
Suddenly feel sick for the me who was still studying and laughing without worries in the past
It’s so bizarre. Why I’ll talk about myself? Haha!
Therefore I hope xxx can be happy
It sounds good when you play the piano
I love your music