
2010-05-31 2:46 am
如題:什麼是高風險投資?? 比D例子!!

回答 (3)

2010-05-31 3:00 pm
In a simple way, basically all investment tools that can lead to loss of value is considered as high-risk investment.

As the term high-risk, it is not determined by the technical risk, but the ability to loss value.

Some examples are:

1. Stock

2. Any derivatives products (like futures, options, warrants)

3. Foreign currencies

4. Mutual funds
2010-05-31 3:23 am
股票可以..黃金可以 外匯 買樓都得...
有野msn問吧 msn: [email protected]
2010-05-31 2:49 am
結婚, 生仔.....................隨時血本無歸~~

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