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2010-05-30 9:45 pm
Civic engagement
A report of young people civic participating research by Break through organization Hong Kong in 6 May 2008. 1028 people were interviewed by phone. Target group focus on the age 15 to 19. 84.4% Hong Kong citizens and the rest are from mainland china.

Young people don’t have a chance to participating in social affairs.
From the research 70.6% interviewers claimed that their mother school doesn’t encourage them to doubt with the critical thinking. They don’t even know how the school policy be established. It reflected school is not a place for the young people practicing in the civic participation.

Young people don’t know the way of political engagement
More than a half of the interviewers realize their citizenship. However, a majorly of them don’t know how to participate in politic. It reflected the young people realize their right but don’t know the way to get involve.

Design a platform for young people practicing in civic participation.

Why the young people are not participating in political engagement with passion.
The Civic engagement and the political engagement

A research of the relation between internet and political engagement from Taiwan

3 purposes of people using the internet
-For Information gathering 資料蒐集
-For the people relationship 人際關係
-For diversion 娛樂消遣

There is an assumption, when people using internet mostly for diversion, then they are less to participate in political engagement. Getting political information, political suggestion exchange and the expression of political suggestion are the core element of political engagement. Internet proves the way which can fulfill the needs above.

Using internet for information gathering is simple to touch with political information. The people who have a higher motive for gathering information on internet, the progress of gathering the political information is higher.

Young people in Hong Kong is use to take diversion on internet. In term of the education system, most of them can’t see the problem and they just keep going wrong. 仲有少少的 thanks :)


Mindset The young people in Hong Kong use to get information from the online community website like facebook. It is hard to change it, but beginning with their friend 由一小部分人做起, 同輩影響下好快改變. Friends to friends the spirit should be spread of the solution well.

回答 (1)

2010-06-03 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Civic engagement
A report of young people civic participating research was published by Break through organization Hong Kong in 6 May 2008. 1028 people were interviewed by phone. Target group focus on the age of 15 to 19. 84.4% of Hong Kong citizens and the rest are from Mainland China.

Young people don’t have a chance to participating in social affairs.
From the research 70.6%, interviewees claimed that their mother school doesn’t encourage them to query the critical thinking. They even don’t know how the school policy was established. It reflected school is not a place for the young people practicing in the civic participation.

2010-06-03 14:27:55 補充:
Young people don’t know the way of political engagement
More than a half of the interviewees realize their citizenship. However, a majority of them don’t know how to participate in politic. It reflected the young people realize their right but don’t know the way to get involve.

2010-06-03 14:28:24 補充:
Design a platform for young people practicing in civic participation.

Why are the young people not participating in political engagement with passion?
The Civic engagement and the political engagement

A research of the relation between internet and political engagement from Taiwan

2010-06-03 14:28:45 補充:
3 purposes of people using the internet
-For Information gathering 資料蒐集
-For the people relationship 人際關係
-For diversion 娛樂消遣

2010-06-03 14:30:06 補充:
There is an assumption: when people using internet mostly for diversion, they are less to participate in political engagement. Getting political information, political suggestion

2010-06-03 14:30:25 補充:
exchange and the expression of political suggestion are the core element of political engagement. Internet proves the way which can fulfill the needs above.

2010-06-03 14:30:40 補充:
Using internet for information gathering is a simple way to touch with political information. The people who have a higher motive for gathering information on the Internet, the progress of gathering the political information is higher.

2010-06-03 14:31:48 補充:
Young people in Hong Kong use the Internet to take diversion. In terms of the education system, most of them can’t see the problem and they just keep going wrong.

2010-06-03 14:32:11 補充:
The young people in Hong Kong use the Internet to get information from the online community website such as Facebook. It is hard to change it, but beginning with their friend 由一小部分人做起, 同輩影響下好快改變. Friends to friends the spirit should be spread of the solution well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 11:58:49
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