
2010-05-30 7:20 am
what 's with the canadian flag on your backpack?

the simpsons

回答 (3)

2010-05-30 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what 's with the canadian flag on your backpack?

= what is the reason for the Canadian flag to be on your backpack?

or = what's that Canadian flag doing on your backpack?



Respondent 001 has provided the answer to that question. Obviously, the question is intended to embarasss an American who puts a Canadian flag on his backpack in order to get more friendly treatment in countries where Americans are not well regarded.

2010-05-30 09:12:13 補充:
Correction: Last paragraph: "embarasss" should be "embarrass".
參考: myself
2010-05-30 12:57 pm
有大部分歐洲人都唔係好中意美國人, 佢地覺得美國人成日做笨決定, 所以美國人為左唔想得到唔公平既對代或者騷擾, 就放道加拿大國旗O係背包,假裝自己係加拿大人。

2010-05-30 04:57:26 補充:
2010-05-30 7:27 am

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