help me to correct the text

2010-05-30 7:05 am
Have you ever been to Japan? Yes,I have! Last summer holiday , I asked my mum eagerly, `Can I go to Japan? ’` OK. We can go next week. ’I was excited. Before the day we went to Tokyo, I couldn’t sleep. It was because I had wished to go to Tokyo since I was 7.

After we got off the plane, we went to the hotel instantly to put down our luggages. The hotel was very beautiful. Then we went to Tokyo Tower. It was very enormous and amazing. We had gone to the top of the tower. I hold the fence tightly because I was scared of it’s high.

Next day, we went to Ginza to shopping. When we were walking in the big street, suddenly we smelt some smelly things. Oh! It was the smelly tofu in the food stall. I had eaten one and it was yummy. In the afternoon, dad and mum were tired so we went to have a spa. It was so relaxing.

Last day, we went to a sushi food store. Although we didn’t know how to say Japanese, we talked English to the waiter. We ate a crab, lots of sushi and some sashimi. They were all very delicious.

At last, we went back home happily by plane. I could reach my wish finally. I thought this trip was the best trip I had ever had!

回答 (2)

2010-05-31 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever been to Japan ? No ? Well, but I have. Last summer holiday
I eagerly asked my mum, " Can I go to Japan ?" OK, we can go together
next week.", my mum replied. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep the night before our trip ; as I had always longed for a trip to visit Tokyo
since the age of seven.
After we got off the plane, we went to the hotel, which was very beautiful, right away to unload our luggage. We then went to Tokyo Tower. It was really enormous and amazing. We went to the top and I grasped the fence tightly all the way as I have fear (或用phobia) of heights.
Next day we went shopping to Ginza. While walking in the big street, we
suddenly smelled(或用smelt) something real stinking. Oh ! it was the smell
of the ' smelly tofu ' from a food stall. I ate one and it was yummy. In the
afternoon, as dad and mum were getting tired, we all went for a spar ; it was
ever so relaxing.
On the last day in Japan, we went to a sushi restaurant. As we didn't
(或用couldn't)speak Japanese, we instead spoke English to the waiter. We ordered a crab, lots of shushi and some sashimi, and they were all very delicious.
At last, we happily came back home by plane. I was so happy to finally
have my wish fulfilled after all these years and I thought the trip was so
far the best one I ever had before.
參考: nil
2010-05-30 8:12 am
i asked -> i had asked
i had wished -> i had been wishing
i hold the fence -> i held the fence
high -> height
next day -> in the next day
i had eaten -> i ate
last day -> on the last day
although -> since
we talked -> we had spoken
參考: me

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