F.3 chem :monatomic molecule

2010-05-30 2:36 am
diatomic molecule 係由兩個atom 組成
咁按字面理解monatomic molecule咪由一個atom組成囉
但係一個atom可以form molecule咩?

回答 (3)

2010-06-03 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
A molecule cansists of two atoms is called diatomic molecules.
e.g. hydrogen molecule (H2), oxygen molecule (O2)
Monoatomic molecule is a molecule which consists of one atom only. As noble gases exist as single atoms, we can also say the noble gases exist as monoatomic molecules.
e.g. neon, argon
2010-05-30 4:45 am
monoatomic molecules are noble gases atoms. since they have fulfilled the octet,they can exist by themselves in one atom. and, this atom is stable, so they are concsidered as molecules.
2010-05-30 4:06 am
Carbon monoxide is a diatomic molecule so as CO2 . O2 , H2 , N2 ,.....are monatomic molecules . 2 same atoms can form a molecule .

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