Make sentences

2010-05-30 1:15 am
Dear friends,

Pls make the sentences with below wordings... Thanks

1. rustled (meaning:made a sound of cracking)

2. stuck (meaning: glued)

3. blinking (meaning: closing and opening one's eyes quickly)

4. tousled (meaning: untidy)

5. cobbled (meaning: covered with stones)

6. pricking (meaning: feeling a sharp pain on the skin)

7. trotted (meaning: moved fairly quickly)


回答 (3)

2010-05-31 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.rustled:The sound of the trees rustled in the breeze .
2.stuck:The wheels were stuck in the mud.
3.blinking:He blinking in the bright sunlight.
4.tousled:A boy with blue eyes and tousled hair.
5.cobbled:I walk along the cobbled.
6.pricking:He felt a pricking sensation in his throat.
7.trotted:She trotted her pony around the field.
2010-05-30 10:56 pm
Dear Preesa 123,

I ckecked it before I sent the message. But I want more samples. Thanks
2010-05-30 6:19 am
You could check in dictionary.

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