《評論》徐薇的英文 好怪!!

2010-05-29 9:13 am
相關問題: https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100519000015KK00127

Kevin大: 通常您的回答都令人折服 可是這題您似乎把意思弄擰了 在她家的完整廣告裡 看得出她要表達的意思應該是: 我可以把你教得更好 I can help you learn better. 我想徐老師還不至於想說: 我比別人能把你教得更好 I can teach you in a better way than other teachers. 這聽起來有點刺耳哩! 她那麼會在人前表現的可愛 不會這樣講話的啦 只能說: 誰叫徐薇沒頭沒腦來上那麼一句呢? 如同某大大所言 這句話文法完全正確 她犯的錯 在修辭上就叫做: ambiguity 任何要考GMAT的人 都知道這是怎麼回事 說白話: 一個書寫出來的句子 如果給人兩三種可能的解釋空間 就不精確 我想鄭如薇大學畢業後 一直忙著經營事業 而她走的又是"青春派"的路線 實在沒空研究更深層的東西吧 至於您的例句中 well/better 都是修飾動詞(teach)用的 不是修飾受詞(you)

回答 (2)

2010-05-29 5:17 pm
Hi Sophie,

Hope you don't mind me joining the discussion. I agree with you that ambiguity is a problem with the original sentence. But I also agree with Kevin that commonly accepted interpretation should be taken into account.

2010-05-29 09:18:35 補充:
There are many other examples of commonly used sentences that are ambiguous as well.

One of my favourites is a frequently heard question asking time of the day: "Do you have the time?" (well, at least it's commonly used where I live.)

2010-05-29 09:19:03 補充:
Frankly, I've always been tempted to give a frisky answer when asked this question. ;)

Even the sentence "I can help you learn better" can be interpreted differently. :)

It's great that you've noticed the ambiguity.

2010-05-29 12:16:27 補充:
Hi Kevin,

Yeah, as Sophie's correctly pointed out, it's best to avoid ambiguity. I'm not so good at it myself. Often my poorly chosen words result in embarrassing gaffes. ^_^|||
2010-05-29 4:39 pm
Hi OSophie,

Thanks for your comment.
I agree with your translation: 我可以把你教得更好.
But I don't think you've got what I really tried to say. The "better" in the sentence is a comparison between two versions of "you," before and after being taught - by the speaker, of course.

2010-05-29 08:41:04 補充:
You can look at the sentence as the concise version of:
I can teach you to be better than before.
Hence the word "better" is for the object, not the verb, and that applies to the examples I offered, too.

2010-05-29 09:02:07 補充:
As for ambiguity, I think it's for exams. In daily use, you can often tell in a reasonable sense what an author wants to express. As you said, she would not be such a person as to make comparisons between herself and others.

2010-05-29 09:02:40 補充:
Common sense is often all you need to understand a sentence, not grammar.
Nice discussing the topic with you. ^_^

2010-05-29 09:59:45 補充:
Hi Joe, good to see you!

To avoid ambiguity, I'd better revise my sentence as follows:
Common sense, not grammar, is often all you need to understand a sentence.

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