If a person drinks 2 or three of the big bottles of beer in 1 day does that mean they have a drinking problem.?

2010-05-28 9:53 pm
If a person drinks 2 or 3 of the big bottles of beer a day does that mean they have a drinking problem?

回答 (6)

2010-05-28 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That depends

Do they drink that much every day? If so they definately have a problem

Do they drink that much then not drink for a few days? Then they are a binge drinker, which some call a problem others don't
2016-10-18 2:35 pm
it extremely is particularly heavy, distinctly in view that she's so small. A nightly glass with dinner isn't undesirable, yet a bottle and a 0.5 each night isn't precise. the two she's an alcoholic, or some thing's extremely bothering her and he or she's utilising the alcohol to compensate. the two are often appropriate, yet they are able to take place one after the different besides.
2010-05-28 10:01 pm
If it's occasionally, then I wouldn't consider it a drinking problem. If it's every day and you "need" them, then I'd start to worry.
2010-05-28 9:54 pm
Depends on what you call a drinking problem.

To me, no.
2010-05-29 1:37 am
I've heard that if a person finds them self drinking alcohol everyday they have a problem.
2010-05-28 9:54 pm
Only if it was regular and necessary to function

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