corporate vs retail banking?

2010-05-29 7:52 am
I wanna ask what's the difference between Corporate banking and retail banking?
I am about to graduate in 2011, what exams should I take in order to get a higher chance to work in a bank? I also want to become an officer trainee, but i am not sure the difference btn officer trainee and management trainee, what are the basic requirement?
I am a year 2 student about to graduate in 2011 with an English Bachelor degree, i don't have a BBA degree , what should i do to maintain the competitiveness?
Thanks a million.

回答 (1)

2010-06-02 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
做銀行, 當然最好有個CFA撐場. 無CFA, 都搞返個CFP.

不過, 做CORPORATE BANKING, 其實COMMUNICATION SKILLS可能比FINANCE SKILLS 更重要. 因為你要對住班大客仔. 所以, 你要注重一下自己的溝通和外型. 你主修英文, 我估你的英文應該比其他人好. 做CORPORATE BANKING好有著數.

做RETAIL BANKING, 即係平時你見到的銀行分行內的工作. 溝通能力和服務熱誠比較重要.

話說回頭, 你最好修幾個FINANCE的COURSES. 或者先考返個CFP, 對你入銀行會有幫助.

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