
2010-05-29 5:04 am

howf did they ace the problem?

They were't only did"t give up but anly tried thier best

請教教我,,因為是sba 來的

唔該大家^^!!!我仲有小小英文文法想問一問.. 1.如果話我細個的時候,經常逃避問題T^T可以話When i was small/young,I always 咩呢? 2.如果想話d問題更來更難,又點講呢? 3,如果話我過缺少courage 點講呢?


Relative clauses 既defining and Non-defining 有咩唔同???如果可以比點eg 我>33

回答 (3)

2010-05-29 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. How did they tackle/cope with/wrestle with/deal with their own problems?
好少話點樣面對架wor 我果句係講佢地點樣解決佢地自己既問題

2. They didn't give up. Instead, they make efforts/an effort (to do something).
盡力既英文係make efforts/an effort 唔同put effort put effort+into係解用功

2010-05-30 14:36:45 補充:
1. When I was young, I used to dodge/escape the problems.

2. The problem is getting (much) harder and harder.

3. I lack confidence very much.

4. defining既clause係係句句子到一定要有 de左個clause係會影響句子既meaning
e.g. The man who wears T-shirt is talking to that woman.
如果de左"who wear T-shirt"就會唔知你講緊邊個man

2010-05-30 14:36:52 補充:
non-defining既clause係只係俾extra information de左個clause都唔會影響個meaning 通常會有comma隔住
e.g. Winnie, who is a elegant woman, lives in Hong Kong.
如果de左"who is a elegant woman"都唔會影響成句句子既meaning
2010-05-29 7:57 am
1) How did they face/confront/come up against their problem?
我相信... 面對係同解決唔同既..

2) They have never give up as well as trying their best.

參考: 自己
2010-05-29 7:10 am
How did they solve/face/tackle(面對/解決) their problem(s)?
Not only did they not(倒裝句式) give up, but (they) also tried their best(最好寫埋做乜,越詳細越有意思).

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