我應該 dim 做 le??

2010-05-28 7:51 am
Sorry i can't type in chinese so i will write in english)
I liked a girl from my school for about 3 years, we are both 14 yrs old, same year but different class, i dont know if she like me at all? and i dont know how to be friends with her and tell her that i like her... . We dont really talk alot. Please HELP =(( !!
She is english and i am chinese, i came from HK. (you can reply in chinese or english) Please help me!

Well, i am not even friends with her yet, i cant go and tell her. ANY IDEAS ????????

回答 (2)

2010-05-28 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just tell her you like her so much!!!
2010-05-28 9:35 am
講下啦直接......SO EASY!

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