pudding 點分 countable or uncoun

2010-05-28 6:09 am
pudding 點分countable or uncountable?
I had a mango pudding. ??
I had mango pudding. ??
食 了兩個布丁點寫??

回答 (2)

2010-05-28 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
PUDDING 係NON COUNTABLE架~ 除非係一盒盒. 就咁寫: A box of pudding OR Two boxes of pudding.

For example: I had some pudding. (因為係數唔倒. 所以用SOME).

如果話兩個. 視乎係例如: 用碟吃? 定一片片? 黎定.

For Christmas pudding, (因為它是蛋糕狀, 所以CUT開一片片來吃的)should write in this way: I had two slices of Christmas pudding. 2 slices (2片).

2010-05-27 22:52:48 補充:
For plural:
Two boxes of puddings. (need to +s on pudding).
Two Slices of puddings.
Some puddings.
2010-05-28 6:50 am
When pudding = dessert, it is uncountable. It is like breakfast, lunch, dinner
They are all uncountable.作餐食的總稱=不可數
e.g. What is for pudding?(今餐)有什麽甜點?
There is ice-cream for pudding.
What's for dessert? What is for lunch?.

If it refers to a particular sweet dish,like a cake, then it is countable.若表示某一種製品, 當可數名詞
e..g a steak and kidney pudding, a mango pudding, a Christmas pudding (= a dark fruit cake)
therefore you should say: I ate two mango puddings.
I ate two Christmas puddings
We made two Christmas puddings.

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