My Favourite Food 好急!!!

2010-05-28 3:04 am
my favourite food做主題!
my favourite food is......about 45 words

回答 (5)

2010-05-28 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
My favourite food is dim sum.They are come from China.They are very yummy .
We can eat them in Chinese restaurant . I often go to the Chinese restaurant
to eat dim sum with my family . I try to made the dim sum before but it is not
yummy . Because make dim sum is very hard.
2010-05-28 7:38 am
My favourite food is chocolate, but particularly white chocolate. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, sugar, cream, milk and maybe some fruits and nuts. Most chocolates' colour are either white or within a range of brown. The chocolate can be very sweet, or it may be very bitter, depending on the ratio of sugar and cocoa beans used. This brown delicacy has a smooth texture that allows it to melt in your mouth and make you attracted to it. Chocolate is definitely the reason I have a sweet tooth.
參考: ^.^ Hope it was helpful
2010-05-28 4:47 am
My favourite food is chocolate. They are in brown colour . They tased sweet and they have many different kind of flavour, like strawberry, jasmine, rose, ...... But I like strawberry the most because I love to eat strawberry .
參考: my mind
2010-05-28 4:36 am
My favourite food is chocolate.
Chocolate is brown-colour, it tastes sweet.
This kind of food can be my favourite food because I love sweet food and after I eat chocolate I feel happy.So, I love chocolate.
參考: myself
2010-05-28 4:18 am
My favorite food is cholocates. There are many kinds of them and can be found in many countries. There are three basic kinds of the chocolate family: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. Each kinds of cholocate has its texture, color and taste. Milk chocolate has a smooth texture, brown in color and sweet. Dark chocolate however it is bitter in taste, and it has a dark brown body. At last, the white chocolate has the most creamy texture, white in color and it is more sweet compare to the milk chocolate.

2010-05-27 20:19:53 補充:

My favorite food is cholocates.


My favorite food is chocolates.

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