想保留年假到下一年度, 英文點講

2010-05-27 9:57 am
仲有5日年假,7月初到期, 因為近排太多野做, 無法放年假, 想同公司申請保留假期到下一年度.
老板係鬼佬, 應該點同佢講?
請高手翻譯成英文, 謝謝.

回答 (4)

2010-05-27 5:02 pm


2010-05-27 11:49 am
I would like to carry over my annual vacation to the next fiscal year.
2010-05-27 11:21 am
There is a five-day annual holiday left, which will expire in early July, but my work has been tight recently, I am afraid that I cannot make it within / by(兩個講法都有人用,邊個文法最啱搵唔到,起碼兩個都明,但within更多人用) the deadline. Could my holiday be suspended to next year, please?
2010-05-27 10:46 am
Please see the translation below,
仲有5日年假(5 days of annual leave remaining),7月初到期(will be expired by July), 因為近排太多野做(due to work load), 無法放年假(it is difficult to take leave), 想同公司申請(apply)保留(in this case, carry forward)假期到下一年度.

I am not sure if you will talk to your boss or write to him. I suggest you to write a memo or an e-mail for this kind of application as his reply will be the official reply of your application.

(Your boss name).

Please note that I still have 5 days of annual leave remaining which will be expired by July, 2010. I would like to apply to have this 5 days annual leave carried forward to next year as the current work load may not allow me to take such long leave. Your consideration of this matter is much appreciated.

Hope this helps

Francis from Canada

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