About facebook.

2010-05-27 8:00 am
I want to have a facebook(I don't have facebook now)but I don't know how to do and I don't know are my parents let me to have a facebook. How can I do? Should I have I facebook? Can anyone help me? Please! >_<

How about blog? Do you think have a facebook or a blog is better?

回答 (3)

2010-05-27 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
可能你沒有聯絡很久的朋友都可以在facebook network中找到他/她的account!

你在網絡上 都沒有msn/xanga account?
有時候 可以在朋友中的status了解到他/她有心事. 開心. 不如意等等.

至於你擔心你既家人反對你有facebook account.
原因何在? 嘗試令你家人明白 你其實有足夠的判決力去處理互聯網上的真假=]

到最尾 希望你可以享受到facebook帶給你的樂趣! hv fun~
參考: myself
2010-06-07 11:08 pm
by the way, have you got yourself a pet?

don't know about the face book, personnelly don't like it at all, especially from all the trouble that I heard about it.

Meanwhile about blog, I am kind of starting it last week, come and visit!

2010-05-27 8:12 am
點解唔可以有FACEBOOK??我諗差唔多90%既中小學生有FACEBOOK AC啦(本人都有),禁你可以問你父母比唔比你開AC,直接問就OK啦,因為FACEBOOK只係分享自己既事,而你UPLOAD D相之前要知道D UPLOAD之後D相係FACEBOOK版權所有,所以你諗請楚先好UPLOAD
參考: 自己

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