A question for Black people?

2010-05-27 3:57 am
Sorry 1 more question

Do you ever get annoyed when non Black people ask you what hood you're from? and you have to answer "ummm I'm middle class, I live in the burbs"

A couple of my closest friends are middle and upper class Black and get asked this ALL the time

'hood. Some people find it offensive. I grew up in the hood, so I feel (being Arab/White) that I can use the word. My mother doesn't like the word tho, she says whenever I say it it makes ppl think I am lazy since it has a bad connotation. Maybe I should listen to her


(rolls eyes) can we please STOP w/ the racism? and I am not Black!


I'm thinking: Honestly, if you ever drive through it just depends where you are and what time. Like in the South Bronx, actually some areas are worse than others. Truth be told, I had a friend from the South BX who moved out to the burbs and 2 days later was killed in her own new, nice home by drug addicts. Bad things happen everywhere :( I've lost way too many friends to violence


I'm thinking: fully agree w/ you!

回答 (8)

2010-05-27 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nope, but white people have. I get annoyed when black people toss around the N word.

Edit: :L am I not suppose to say white people or something? It's true! People in my school who are white have asked me if I lived in the "hood". Honestly, no black person has said that to me, it only annoys me when they toss the N word around.
2010-05-27 11:16 am
NAH im ctually cool with some white people
2010-05-27 11:00 am
Yo bro, yep thats quite annoying, got this all the time, but'm used to it.
2010-05-27 11:02 am
yea its so frekin annoying like they expect me to be ghetto or hood and im not! uqh; !
2010-05-27 11:00 am
Using the word "hood" is offensive. I don't live in the hood and it shouldn't be expected that every black person does, unless they say it in a joking way.
2010-05-27 6:41 pm
Get asked that all the time. the thing is I DID live in teh hood at one time *slums of harlem*. I brush that ish off.
2010-05-27 11:34 am
Nobody black or white has asked me what hood I am from? I mean, I live in an upper/middle class suburb area, and there aren't any black people here, and I've always been pretty much the only black kid in all my classes at school, and all the kids were from suburbs pretty much, and everyone knew me and where I was from, and now I go to a school in the downtown area of the big city, so there are more, but I still have never gotten that question. I mean, I think if you saw me, it would be obvious I am not from any hood whatsoever. When I get dressed in the morning, I make a point not to look like I am from the ghetto. I like to look good whenever I leave the house. I would probably slap someone if they asked me that! That is a really rude thing to ask someone, and I actually do think it would be racist unless you are in a place where everyone is from the hood. I mean, if I were at my school or at the mall, I would find it racist just because everyone in those places would be upper/middle class, and you probably wouldn't ask that Asian girl over there what hood she is from, so why would you ask me? Yeah - never got that before at all! I guess it might be becaue of my area. I don't even think I've ever driven through "the hood".
2010-05-27 11:00 am
Fo Sho.

........|..........2 points ..........|||"|""\__
Here comes the truck delivering me 2 points:)

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