when同while 問題

2010-05-27 7:09 am
有人話when係 1邊進行,1邊過去/現在

有人話while 係 1邊進行,1邊過去/現在

又有人話while 係2邊都現在

都有人話while 係2邊都進行


回答 (4)

2010-05-27 6:29 pm
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[過去] 或 [現在],甚至 [進行],不能單憑 [when] 或 [while] 來次定,而是根據 [動詞] 的 [時式]。
(1) My parents were having dinner when I got home. (一邊是 [過去進行], 一邊是 [過去])。
(2) While he is busy talking, I am busy eating. (兩邊都是 [現在進行])。
(3) When he was talking, I ate all the food. (一邊是 [過去進行], 一邊是 [過去])。

不過,如果不用 [進行式動詞],單憑 [when] 和 [while], [when] 是指某一個時點 (certain point in time),而 [while] 指一個時段 (a period of time),所以有 [進行] 的感覺。

(1) "he danced while I sang' 和 "he dances while I sing" 都有着两邊當時都同時進行的意思。
(2) "he danced when I sang" 和 "he dances when I sing" 感覺上他可能只在我唱歌的時段中跳過舞。

由於 [while] 有進行的意思,所以比較適用於放在進行式前面 (即是 [進行]中的那一邊)。
While I was taking a bath, the phone rang.
The phone rings while I am taking a bath.

相對來說,由於 [when] 有[時點] (point in time) 的意思,所以比較適用於放在簡單 [現在] 或 [過去] 式前面 (即是 [不是進行]中的那一邊)。
When the phone rang, I was taking a bath.
I am taking a bath when the phone rings.

如果兩邊都同時進行,[while] 比較好些。
(1) She was singing while taking a bath.
(2) The phone was ringing nonstop while she was taking a bath.

參考: myself
2010-05-27 5:04 pm


2010-05-27 2:29 pm
when係現在 also when係進行

while 係進行

When you realize that you must study for the exam, it will be too late. (現在(future))

When I was born, I was 10kg. (進行(past))

I was doing my homework while talking on the phone with my girlfriend.(進行(Now)
2010-05-27 8:33 am
WHEN = 當 asking: 可時

例子: When you asked me about...
When are you comeing back?

WHILE = 一會兒,一段時間

例子: While you were defrosting the meat, I was preparing the seasonings.

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