我想問Making the school green 點作?

2010-05-27 5:21 am
我想問Making the school green 口試點作?
問題系you are the representative of school's Green Group.you are going to make a speech in the morning assembly to ask your schoolmates for their help to make the school green.

回答 (2)

2010-06-01 4:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
In order to protect the environment, we start from making our school green. To achieve that, in short-run, we need to:

1) turn off unnecessary light and equipment to save electricity
2) turn off air-conditioner if possible and try to use fans to save electricity
3) save paper and avoid wastage of paper
4) avoid wastage of water

In long run, we need to:

1) grow more trees and plants to produce more oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide
2) paint classroom in white so that we do not need to always turn on light
3) change the light and equipment to energy saving items
4) install solar cells and wind turbine to generate electricity for the school
5) install water recycle system
2010-05-27 6:06 am
big windows--more natural light
open the windows--dont need to switch on the airconditioners
paint the walls light colour
plant more trees
use water more efficiently

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:16:09
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