
2010-05-27 1:33 am
有時唔記得星期六買了個旗黏住係件衫度, 直接就放左係洗衣機度洗, 洗完表面那張紙就洗爛唔見左, 但d 膠黏係件衫度, 整極都整唔甩, 好心痛, 有乜法止唔傷件衫, 又可以整甩果d膠呢?

黏左膠果d 衫的質地有:

1) dry-fit t-shirt
2) cotton t-shirt


回答 (1)

2010-05-27 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple & easy , rub some alcohol onto the label stain & agitate for a while . Let the alcohol dissolve the adhesive then rub away the dirts . Put it again into the washer & wash one more time .

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:16:02
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