
2010-05-27 12:58 am
1. 急** 我以前21歲犯過事, 都唔算藏毒, 係管有少量..咁罰左千零蚊.....

2. 申報左會唔批嗎?



煩請help me ar~~thx so much~~

回答 (4)

2010-05-27 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

Depend on what is your drug conviction, you may be eligible to get I-601 Inadmissive waiver after you fail the migration application.

Basically, it's like most of the people said, US is hard on Drug abuse, so it will naturally not generally let people into US (even for travel) if you have a Drug Related criminal record, no matter how small it is.

HOWEVER, i-601 Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility (or Commonly Know as Inadmissible Waiver) allow people with minor Drug charge on marijuana.

That is, if you have a criminal record of processing 30 g or less Marijuana, you would be able to get I-601 in the event ofyour application being rejected.

However, if you have a control substance record for anything other than marijuana or more than 30 g of pots. Then you will not be able to get I-601.

1. 急** 我以前21歲犯過事, 都唔算藏毒, 係管有少量..咁罰左千零蚊.....

Yes, you need to declare it, asit will definitely shown up on your CNCC.
If you don't declare it, then you are defrauding a federal agency, and you will get permanent banned to enter US.

2. 申報左會唔批嗎?

yes, generally.....


As i said, if you have a record for processing 30g or less marijuana, then you could still get the visa by applying I-601 after they reject your application.

If you got other record than the one i mentioned before, then you cannot do anything.....


No.....AS this is an inadmissible ground, having B1/B2 Visa doesnot help you any bit.

For I-601 Application or Information, please refer to this State Department link

參考: Applied my COusin to US with a minor Marijuana procession record before
2010-05-27 10:23 am
peterchan7708 is correct.

The U.S. Government takes it serious on all drug-related offenses. Do whatever you want, you have no chance at all.
2010-05-27 1:37 am
1. 你21歲管有少量毒品, 即係犯藏毒啦, 點會 “…都唔算藏毒…”?!?! 罰咗千零蚊係個官好人輕判. 罰錢都係刑罰一種, 並非好似樓上位師兄咁話罰錢就唔會留案底. 你巳有案底, 攞唔到良民証. 焗住向美國移民局申報.
2. 美國移民法例特別嚴, 凡有案底嘅都不會批准移民. 連在超市偷糖留案底都唔會批准移民. 何况係藏毒?!?!
3. 辦唔到.
4. 無幫助.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2010-05-27 1:13 am
你唔申報都唔得, 因為要交 "良民証"
而良民証要由警務署發出, 美領事點都會知你既紀錄...
反而當年你有沒有留案底先?? 如果只係罰錢, 可能無留喎

一係工作移民, 不過要有間美國公司請左你, 幫你申請囉...

一係玩抽纖, 年年都有, 你上去美領事個網頁度睇吓

有美國visa, 無咩用...

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