
2010-05-26 10:31 pm
the figure shows a solid which is composed of a right circular cone and a hemisphere with the same base , the height of the solid is 30cm and the base aarea of the cone is 81pi cm^2 , the base radius of the cone is 9cm

a) find the volume of the solid
b)find the surface area of the solid.

回答 (1)

2010-05-27 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) The height of the cone = 30 - 9 = 21cm
the volume of the solid
= cone + hemisphere
= (1/3) (81π)(21) + (1/2) (4/3)π9^3
= 567π + 486π
= 1053π cm^3

b) The surface area of the solid
= π (9) L + (1/2) (4π9^2)
= 9π √(9^2 + 21^2) + 162π
= 9π 3√58 + 162π
= (162 + 27√58 ) π
= 27(6 +√58 ) π cm^3
= 1154.93 cm^3

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