How to upload Holga pictures onto your computer?

2010-05-25 7:48 pm
Hi, the way I upload my pictures was to scan them off of a 3x3 holga picture.. the results are a bit different from the actual picture.. but the pictures I saw on flickr are higher quality and clear.. I was wondering how do people do that? Is there a specific type of scanner to use? Do they scan the actual film, not the pictures? Is it because the 3x3 size too small (in my area they only do 3x3,, they don't have 6x6)? or is it because of the film that I used?

回答 (4)

2010-05-25 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have to change the settings on your scanner so it scans at a higher resolution.
You scanner and your monitor are probably not calibrated so that's one of the reasons why it looks different from your monitor. You're taking a printed picture printed with ink and transferring it to the computer where your monitor is RGB (red, green, blue which is light)
You can just fix the colors a bit in photoshop or any editing program to fix it to look similar to your picture.
You can buy a film scanner which could be pretty pricey but a scanner will work just as well. Or when you develop your film you can ask them to put it on a CD for you which is a little cheaper than buying a film scanner depending on how often you develop film.
2010-05-26 7:30 pm
Most people either have their own film scanner, or they have sent the film to be scanned at a pro lab. Because the cost to buy your own scanner is so high (and it's time consuming!) most people will have their film processed and scanned at a pro lab. If you don't have a pro lab near you, you can send your film to a some place like the Icon that handles mail order.

Good, quality scanning directly from the film will be much higher quality than scanning from prints.
2010-05-25 7:54 pm
Get a film scanner. It costs a fortune, but you will get better scan than doing on from a print.
2016-12-17 3:49 am
right for you! holga's rock. right this is the deal, this is a action picture digital camera. so which you will ought to the two improve the action picture interior the darkroom (in case you recognize the thank you to) or take it on your community a million-hour image. once you drop it off, tell them, you will like the mages scanned to a CD. this would get you prints and digital copies of your holga photos.

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