想參觀Niagara Falls 應該去美國定加拿大呢?

2010-05-26 6:49 am
想參觀Niagara Falls 應該去美國定加拿大呢?


回答 (4)

2010-05-26 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
兩邊都一樣, 問題係你由邊到去 Niagara Falls, 因為由一面去另外一面, 係唔係都要比過橋費, 又會經關卡. 如果冇特別原因, 咁妳邊度落機咪去邊面. 不過以個人意見, 加拿大嗰邊好睇啲. 如果唔介意比過橋費同埋有簽証, 兩面都去哂又何妨, 人一世物一世, 比多幾蚊過橋唔會後悔.
參考: 我去Niagar Falls 多過你去海洋公園
2010-05-27 9:27 am
depend where you go from.

if you go there from USA, sure you have to view the falls from America side. but if you have US multi-entery visa, and you are able to go to Canada side ( remember, you are crossing 2 different countries then ). you should see the falls from Canada too.
yes, it is same falls, but the view are all differents.

my suggestion;

get the special pass ( tickets ) in America side, so you save money and free bus ride to go to all the outlook points. and all the FUN experiences which will last the rest of your life time.
don't try to save few dollars and missed it. ( and all FUNs are very safe.)

in Canada side, you should made a appointment for the early bird dinner to the 700 feet high SKYON TOWER, it is about $45 pre person. let me tell you here, it worth every cents you spend by dining on top of the tower with the world 1 of 10 wonders under you...... the view is breath taking...!!

you need 1 1/2 days or 2 days to finish the visit.
oh!, in some weekdays, there are firework show over the falls at night too.

2010-05-27 01:29:50 補充:
go to US east coast without visited the Niagiara Falls, is like you go to Beijing without walk the Great Wall.

2010-05-27 01:30:47 補充:
the food and service in the SKYLON is so good...
參考: i just went there last summer
2010-05-27 4:17 am


2010-05-27 1:21 am
其實兩邊望埋去都一樣. 根本係 = 相連. 但入美國要 visa. 我假設你揸香港特區護照先啦. 咁去加拿大就唔使攞 visa 咁煩. 我兩邊都去過. 如果真係分開黎講. 咁加拿大個邊好 D. 因加拿大呢邊係多倫多市嘛. 個城市都多野玩 D 及精彩好多啦. 美國個邊係 buffulo city. 悶悶地. 除非你自駕遊又出埋 new york 玩 lor. 另外, 加拿大個邊. 係尼加拉瓜旁, 就係酒店啦, 購物街啦, 賭場啦咁. 唔係淨睇水咁齋 lor.

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