
2010-05-26 4:17 am
我今年15歲 F.4




呢3個國家,去到有冇得做part time



回答 (3)

2010-05-27 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are 1 MAJOR flaw from the answer above. That is, US Public High School does not sponsor international student, unless you are US Citizens or LPR, you will not be able to enrol in US Publich High School......

So, take US out of the equation.


As i said, unless you wish to spend over 40 grands US to stay in private school, US is out of the equation, so, which is better? UK or Australia?

First of all, take Accents out of the equation too, as you will not be able to pick up their accents just for a few years of study, you will, and always, speak Chinese Accents in either of those places. If you were 5, then forget what i said.

Then it come down to education quality. UK, traditionally, have a better education environment, especially there are many ye ol' Universities in UK, compare to Australian Education system, the australian system is more liberal, mean youcan get thru them easier, but relatively useless. There are 1 major different about high School in UK and Aus tho, that is Aussie HS only for 3 years, while POMs high school are in for 4.

Money in the next factor. generally a year tuition in Australia will cost you about 5,000 - 7,000 AUD per year, compare to 5,000 pound + per year in the UK. Which is double of what Australian charge. Living Expenses are high in UK too, if you stay in big city like london or liverpool.

So, what to choose is kind of depend on your taste,and your wallet.


Depends if you want to skip the HK public Exam (Either HKAL/HKDSE) if you want to skip those, then you should go over now, if not, you should wait til you get a result from your local open exam.


30,000 - 40,000 USD per year (Private Boarding School)


~5,000 GBP per year + about 5,000-8,000 GBP living expense.


5,000-7,000 AUD per year + 15,000 AUD living expense.

呢3個國家,去到有冇得做part time

you cannot do parttime in High School year in US, but you can do it both in UK and Australia.
參考: I am an Australian, American, and British Citizen, study High School in US and Uni in Australia
2010-05-27 2:44 am
我覺得你最好今年去讀,如果係香港讀多兩三年都係冇乜進步嘅,教學環境好唔同,外國講求理論+實踐,唔會只計考試分數.其實,你都可以睇下去愛爾蘭半工讀,實習有薪金.每小時大約80-90蚊.可以自給自足上到去大學.當地大學入學率高,選科亦彈性.如果想知多D,可以email: [email protected]傾下,或者睇下佢地website: www.iihcshk.hk
2010-05-26 7:15 pm
In my opinion, I would choose [1] USA, [2] UK, [3] Australia

Here are the reasons:

1. learning english accent
compare with australia, you can learn the actual accent of english in US and UK. But compare with learning english accent between US and UK, i would say that US is slightly better as the it is quite hard to learn british accent. In contrast, it is much easier to learn US english accent

2. Population of asian ppl, specially hongkonger
it is no doubt that there are lots of asian ppl, including hongkonger studying in australia. im pretty sure that some of you frds may be studying in aus as well. therefore, you may have less opportunity to learn english as you may speak more cantonese than english. For UK or US, the population of asian, especially hongkongers are relatively low, especially hongkonger

3. estimated living expenses and school fees [annually]
assuming you are studying in public schools:
australia: HK$120000-150000
UK: HK$140000-190000
USA: HK$150000-200000

4. Compare with hongkong, there are lots of subjects that the schools provide. basically you do not need to worry about that.

5. part-time opportunity
AUS: yes [in-school, out-school]
UK: yes[in-school]
USA: yes[in-school]

if you have any further question, email me: [email protected]

hope these information can guide you to a successful path =]
參考: myself

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