3條中三英文 grammer 題
1, Leo and Mary arrived at the party after the cake ( had been cute ). (cut )
點解要+ been ?
2, The chairs ( which ) were newly painted were put in the corner.
用which 岩唔岩?
3, Tom ( was allowed ) to play computer games after he had finished his
homework. ( allow )
點解要+ was ?
thank you
回答 (3)
1, Leo and Mary arrived at the party after the cake ( had been cut).
點解要+ been ?
用HAD BEEN即係個蛋糕剛剛被CUT左. 跟住LEO+MARY先到.
其實呢個都有PASSIVE VOICE但時間上都要留意.
2, The chairs ( which ) were newly painted were put in the corner.
用which 岩唔岩?
WHICH (用做關係代名詞) 那一個,那一些
所以WHICH 係指(那一張)CHAIR.
3, Tom ( was allowed ) to play computer games after he had finished his
homework. ( allow )
點解要+ was ?
要. 因為係PASSIVE VOICE. 被動式.
因為阿TOM係被人命令話先要做完功課才能用電腦. 雖然冇講邊個. 但係TOM自己點能叫命令返自己呢? 所以要用PASSIVE VOICE.
1) AFTER THE CAKE HAD BEEN CUT = It is passive voice here and indicated the cake had been cut before Leo and Marry arrived.
2) The chairs, WHICH were newly painted, were put in the corner. = better to have WHICH ( - the pronoun for chairs) in this sentence with or without commas. ,Which............, is a clause and can be taken out and the rest is still a proper sentence with subject , verb and predicate.
3) Tom was allowed to play computer ..........= was allowed is passive voice here.
Tom allowed Mary to play computer after she had finished her homework. = allow is active voice.
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