工程有限公司 既會計係點做

2010-05-25 10:17 pm
公司接了一單工程 2,0000,000, 對方付了訂金50,000,該項工程預計會在兩年內完成,按工程進度分三次付款,咁個entry應該點入? 請問是否收到工程款才入銷貨收入? 收到第一期工程款300,000又點入?
DR BANK 50,000
CR ??會計科目

DR BANK 300,000
CR ??會計科目

如果每單工程都要計profit & loss, 又要點做??

回答 (3)

2010-05-26 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
收訂金:Dr.Bank $50,000 Cr.Contract Work-in-progress $50,000
收第一期:Dr.Bank $300,000 Cr.Contract Work-in-progress $300,000
到年底:Dr. Contract WIP $X Dr. Contract Cost $Y Cr. Contract Income $X+Y
2010-05-26 5:09 am
Job income should only be recognized when the job is completed under the generally accepted accounting principle. So, when a deposit ( 50,000 ) or progress payments ( 300,000 ) are received, Dr. Bank Cr. Job Progress Payments. Job costs paid during the construction period ( 2 years ) should be Dr. Job-in-Progress Cr. Bank.
When the job is completed, transfer the balances by Dr. Job Costs Cr. Job-in-Progress for costs incurred and Dr. Job Progress Payments Cr. Job Income for payments received. The difference Job Income – Job Costs will then be the Job Profit / (Loss) and is shown in the profit or loss account ( Statement of Comprehensive Income )
2010-05-26 2:03 am
1. (Dr.) 應收帳款 $2,000,000.00
(Cr.) 工程收益 $2,000,000

2. (Dr.) 銀行 $50,000
(Cr.) 客戶按金 $50,000

3. (Dr.) 銀行 $300,000.00
(Cr.) 應收帳款 $300,000.00

到收了最後一筆工程款項時, 對方一定扣回所付之$50,000的按金, 到時才對沖客戶按金.

把為這單工程發生的費用入數, 便可計出Porfit and Loss了.

希望以上你可明白, 並可幫到你.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:16:14
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