昂坪360的英文Ngong Ping 360點讀?

2010-05-25 1:13 am
昂坪360的英文Ngong Ping 360點讀?可否拼給我聽?

回答 (2)

2010-05-26 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have any friend whose surname's Ng?
Pronounce it, vibrate your nose while pronouncing it, then the 'ong' sound.
The 'd' should should be slight but clear.
'Ping' is easy, I won't tell you how to read it.
'360': Do you know how to read it?
海洋公園:Ocean Park
香港迪士尼樂園:Hong Kong Disneyland (Resort)
香港濕地公園:Hong Kong Wetland Park
山頂:The Peak
大澳:Tai O
沙田/跑馬地馬場:Sha Tin/ Happy Valley Racecourse
'The' + 'HK' + 'History' +'Museum'
The ??? Museum of HK
Hope can help you. Thz!

2010-05-25 16:46:45 補充:
Tell you la!
Ping: like拼
360:Three six o/Three-sixty
Foreigners put their tongue between their teeth and pronounce the 'th' sound, or else, they can't devine between 'three' and 'free'.
2010-05-25 7:35 am
sorry ran out of quotas~

用NOSE音讀LONG+娉(PING) three sixty.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:15:49
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