want & need分別. 請用英文答

2010-05-24 8:33 pm
Q. Explain how "need" and "want" are different.

回答 (4)

2010-05-24 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
' want ' means looking forward to own something or achieve realization of something whereas' need' is related to a matter of necessity; for example,
you want a horse doesn't mean you need a horse. However, there are
situations where the two serve the purpose to define the same thing like
" I need some money.", " I badly want some money.".
參考: nil
2010-05-24 10:05 pm
They are interchangable most of the time, but I believe your question is asking the difference between them and more importantly under what situation, is one not replacable by the other.

Example : Past tense

If you say : He is a wanted criminal
it would be wrong to say : He is a needed criminal

Present tense
If you asked :
1) Do you want to play basketball?
2) Do you need to play basketball?

I would have answered :
ans1) Yes, I want to play basketball. (smile)

ans2) No, I don't need to play basketball. (disgusted)

The intonation of both questions are different, the first, seeked your company in playing while the 2nd, questioned your needs in playing.
2010-05-24 9:24 pm
want is a desire
need is a request
2010-05-24 9:06 pm

I want to do something - plan or wish to do something

He/Somebody wants to become the In-Charge of the shipping department .


I need to do something - must do something.

He /Somebody needs to work hard to becorme the IN-charge of the shipping department


He does not want to go to China but he needs to do because his manager tells him to do so.

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