
2010-05-24 5:14 pm
坊間有什麼東西容易發霉,長出霉箘? 教小朋友生物常識的。做麵包的酵母箘可以嗎?

回答 (4)

2010-05-24 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當天氣潮濕(濕度over 90%時) , 而度由18-35度C , 任可表面有塵有食物residues such as oil , protein & carbohydrate 留下來 , 由空氣中飄來的霉菌胞子 , 就會發霉了 . 而空氣中霉菌 , you cannot control , what you can control is to provide a good breeding ground for the moulds to grow easily . There are numerous species of mould in the dirty air of HK , you may develop a toxic mould which is not suitable for baking bread ! Also yeast is a special fugus for baker & it is safe to be used . Again you should ask this question in Biology for far better answer !
2010-05-27 1:53 am
2010-05-25 7:55 am
2010-05-24 8:30 pm
買 半磅方包用膠袋封口,放在室內,一個星期就會發霉.

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