I like this guy, but don't know what to do?!?

2010-05-23 11:33 am
There's this really good-looking new guy at my school, and everyone especially the female teachers and girls adore him. But as he's really quiet, he usually hangs around by himself. I like him, and whenever I come out from a class at the end of the school day to go home, he usually looks up and 'notices' or checks me out. And once when I walked home, he saw me and smiled (grinning) . I wanted to say something but felt too shy so I just smiled back and continued walking home.

Help! I do like him, yet I'm shy that I don't know what to say to him or what do do around him, my my heart pounds when I'm near him. I sometimes feel like I'm not pretty enough :( for him, and that makes me feel insecure when there's so many girls who like him.

What should I do? How should I look? Please help!!
Thanks xx

回答 (11)

2010-05-23 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is so adorable :) you should try to start up a conversation with him despite of your fear. From what you wrote, he obviously is noticing you, and out of all the girls who fancy him he is looking at you. Both of you guys are shy, so none of you want to start speaking to each other. Don't be insecure because other girls like him. ( I know this is easier said than done) you must be pretty enough for him to notice you like that. Once you start talking you would know in yourself that this person is right for you so follow your gut and heart.
Good Luck and God Bless
2010-05-23 6:46 pm
Sounds like a fun adventure to me and a challenge. Just be yourself is how you should look. I've seen many excellent catches get scooped up by females who put their insecurities aside to go after the man they admire. It worth the effort. If he makes your heart thump it's a really good sign....Here are some things you can say to get him started talking and be less shy...Remember to smile lots and show with your eyes that you appeciate the opportunity to talk to him. You could say............Heyyyyyyyyyyy I've noticed you around...what do you think about???? school related... a specific teacher, or a specific class....or how he feels about being the new kid at school....Just tell him you understand it's hard being new so if you ever want to talk or do homework together or look around the city together or come to a party you're there...or a more subtle sneaky coniving approach would be........
Next time you end up at the same place at the same time make sure you have an armful of books that you happen to drop right in front of him. Look at him and smile and say..ooo geeshhh....That might start a conversation.....( I hereby declare that I have nothing against books) hehe Have fun and good luck! Quiet shy people sparkle when someone gives them attention. We all love positive attention.
2010-05-23 6:41 pm
Just be yourself and try talking to him when you have the chance about anything to make friends with him as a start... if he checks you out it means he most likely likes you but the fact that he is quiet means he is a shy guy... i know this bc when i was in school i was shy myself and a cute cheerleader in my class would do the impossible to be near me and to talk to me even during lunch she would look for me and sit next to me and i would always avoid her bc of my shyness lol. (i regret it now) So yeah i bet you anything he finds you attractive and likes you back someone has to break the ice and do the first move tho or nothing will happen... so dont let it cross your mind that you aren't pretty enough bc the moment you caught his eye means you must be cute :) Good Luck!
參考: Was the Shy guy myself back in school :(
2010-05-23 6:40 pm
Hunny, the same thing happened to me. But i added him on facebook (or myspace whatever you have) through friends and got his msn. Its easier to talk throught the internet and then i started talking to him at school. And within 3 weeks we were going out :) Just see if he has any internet things where you can chat

Hope i helped :) x
2010-05-23 6:38 pm
aww,, u should go to him whenever he's alone. or u know,, write him a note??? or even yes,, chat with him :) ask for his facebook :D
2010-05-23 6:37 pm
Go for it. If he's as nice as you make him out to be he at least won't be a jerk about anything. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Who knows, he could be "the one" or he could just wind up being a great friend. Just like my women friends tell me that confidence is everything, it's pretty much the same with guys too, as long as you have *approximately* the same number of teeth as us and you shower on a fairly regular basis :)

good luck!
2010-05-23 6:43 pm
i think he is the same feeling with u right now. I think that he do likes u also. so be the one to say it out first, if not u two are waiting each other and u never know the results, be brave.
u may ask her for something, talk a little bit, exchange ideas, only u can help yourself.
BE BRAVE, ask for her fb and msn.
參考: mine
2010-05-23 6:36 pm
The easiest thing to do if you are too nervous to function is to use text. I don't mean texting by phone, but chatting online.

Find out if he has AIM or w/e and find a way to strike up a conversation online. This will let you control exactly what you want to say without getting too nervous.
2010-05-23 6:36 pm
Look hot and talk to him
2010-05-23 6:42 pm
if you are not honest.....nothing will work.... i believe the basis for two people spending their lives together is HONESTY... ABOUT EVERYTHING....honesty about sex honesty about everything... why should 2 people who care so much for one another base anything in their collective conscience on anything other than facts....maybe its me.....if you really love that person it wont matter. HONESTY WILL COME NATURALLY.

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