
2010-05-24 3:56 am
1. 都是那句,有可能嗎?
2. 如果以上擬想成立,那麼死去的生物(包括人)的屍體不是有很大的工業價值嗎?(一來氫可以作環保燃料(核聚反應、燃燒反應)作動力來源,二來氧更不用說了,三來氮可以作肥料,四來碳也可以作燃料和合成鑽石(假設可能的情況下),五來鎂、鈣、鉀、鈉、磷等等都可以作肥料或其他用途。)
3. 奈米技術做得到?

回答 (2)

2010-05-28 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your question makes no sense . Yes living things are created from a few elements such C , O , H , N , S & P which form the organic cpds together with little bit metal elements such Fe , Ca , ....etc . Inorganic cpds are the minor parts in living things . It is through millions years that simple organic cpds evolute to form mega organic cpds(several hundred to couple thousands molecules) . Then life starts . The reactions involve many enzymes to make the reactions worked . Now you want to break it back to what it is composed . It is more important to work the other way to build the mega organic cpds such sugar , rice , oil , protein ,.......etc from their basic elements . It need time to do so !!!
2010-05-24 7:01 am
You have watch too much SF film...

what you said is possible, but we have got a very long long way to go. We can accomplish this kind of fantasy only if we can conduct research freely. Nowadays, the corporation has monopolized scientific research, Our research are targeted only at how to make money, eg, instead of healing AIDS, our research is targeted only at how to manage AIDS, instead of healing cancer, manage it!

Chlorophyll is one of the most important reaction on this planet, the only reason that earth can develop intelligent life, if we can reproduce this important reaction in a lab, our energy supply will be a lot more sustainable compare to now! However solving the problems is not what the big corporation aim at, they want us to use their solution so they can make money, so instead of working on photosynthesis, they try to find more hydrocarbon, make sure that we burn more and more fusel fuel so that they can make more money, Can you see, the biggest corporation is the petrol industry, the pharmaceutical industries!

If we can not jump out of this "corporatism", what you said will never happened!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:15:52
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