Grammar:dislike and don't like

2010-05-24 3:23 am
Does there any difference between dislike and don't like?

If they are different, please explain their usage with examples


回答 (3)

2010-05-24 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實意思上, dislike = don't like. 但dislike多數用於書面語, 比較formal. 一般口語, 多數人會用don't like.
參考: 牛津高階字典
2010-05-24 11:42 pm
Yes, there are some differences in them when "dislike" is used as a noun, but when it's used as a verb there isn't much difference at all.

Example :
similarity in verb

1) He dislike the taste of durian.
2) He don't like the taste of durian.

Differences in noun.

1) The taste of durian is his dislike
2) The taste of durian is his don't like (grammartically wrong)
2010-05-24 7:19 pm

Try reading this thread, read what other people say.
This is help you have a further and better understanding of 'dislike'
and 'don't like'.

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