Knock yourself out

2010-05-23 8:46 pm
"You have a life time ahead of you so knock yourself out!"

回答 (5)

2010-05-24 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"You have a life time ahead of you so knock yourself out!"



參考: myself
2010-05-25 10:10 am
"Knock yourself out"= "Go for it"
2010-05-24 3:03 am
knock yourself out is an informal expression which means to work very hard in order to work something well
人生邁邁長路, 你要努力不懈呀。
參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2010-05-23 11:03 pm
'knock yourself out' 應解作 使自己疲勞不堪..

所以"You have a life time ahead of you so knock yourself out!" 的正確意思應為
參考: 自己既知識
2010-05-23 9:20 pm
Knock yourself out means' to stop over exert yourself.'
所以這句話可譯作" 你還有一生漫長的時間, 何必急在一時呢?"
參考: nil

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