live it down 同no mean feat點解?

2010-05-23 7:11 pm
live it down 同no mean feat點解?
live it down唔係解住下來.

回答 (3)

2010-05-23 11:08 pm
Live it down 既正確意思應為

> 令人忘記你做過的事(尤其係指尷尬既事情)

Mean feat 既正確意思應為

> 輕而易舉的事情
咁No mean feat 即係 困難的事lor~
參考: 個人知識^^
2010-05-23 7:55 pm
never live something down
if you say that you will never live down something bad or embarrassing that you have done, you mean people will not forget it Three million people saw the singer fall off the edge of the stage. He'll never live it down. I'll never live down the fact that I spilt champagne down my boss's trousers.

No mean feat:-
mean is like "low" or "small" as in to demean something.
A feat is an act. (from the French fait=done)

So it is "not an small thing"

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