急急急....醫院派錯藥 評論 「20點」

回答 (1)

2010-05-23 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can give u some Point and help u to finish your assignment

First before giving medication nurse should check 5 right.

1. right patient (medication chart + patient armband)
2. right medication
3. right time
4. right dosage
5. right routine (e.g. oral, intramusclar, IV etc..)

Also need to check allergic reaction for the Patient.
If patient is allergic to morphine, u cannot give him morphine.

Furthermore, some blood pressure, cardiac, diabetes medication need to be concern about patient vital sign before giving them...

By using those point and compare what they did in the news.....
it should be very easy to finish 300 word.....
參考: My self...nurse

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