點將question變成reported speech?

2010-05-22 11:04 pm
How didi you know Professer Wong?
1) Inspector Tsang asked Bill Wu ( how to he knew Professor Wong. )

Who suggested the two of you had lunch together?
2)The inspector asked Bill (__________________________)

What did you talk about during lunch?
3) The inspector asked(_______________)

How long did the lunch last?
4)The inspector asked(_____________)

What time did you leave the restaurant?
5)The inspector wanted to know(______________)

Where did you go after lunch?
6) The inspector asked Bill(________________)

How far is the restaurant from your house?
7)The inspector wanted to know(________________)

What time did you get home?
8)The inspector asked(____________________)

普通嘅reported speech我識轉,但系問題嘅話就唔識,有無d咩技巧or格式呢?

回答 (3)

2010-05-23 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Inspector Tsang asked Bill Wu (that) how he knew / had known Professor Wong.
2)The inspector asked Bill (that) who (had) suggested the two of them had lunch together.
3) The inspector asked (that) what they (had) talked about during lunch.
4)The inspector asked (that) how long the lunch (had) lasted.
5)The inspector wanted to know (that) when he/ they(you指你/你們) (had) left the restaurant.
6) The inspector asked (that) Bill where he went/ had gone after lunch.
7)The inspector wanted to know (that) how far the restaurant from his house was/had been.
8)The inspector asked (that) when he (had) got home.
技巧,首先問句一定有 did/ what(5W問詞),did一定唔要.但變英式係要轉完成式,變成had xx嘅過去完成式.因為我問已經用過去式,你再轉述,個時態又過一格,但美式唔轉都得,就睇情況,所以7咁,一個人唔會成日搬屋,用was係完全冇錯,不過文法上,用英式角度就唔嚴格.跟你老師指示.
另外,問句係had he known,咁就轉 he had known,即係123轉213
2010-05-23 6:02 am
Who suggested the two of you had lunch together?
2)The inspector asked Bill (who suggested the two of them had lunch together)

What did you talk about during lunch?
3) The inspector asked(what they talked about during lunch)

How long did the lunch last?
4)The inspector asked(how long the lunch lasted)

What time did you leave the restaurant?
5)The inspector wanted to know(what time/when he left the restaurant)

Where did you go after lunch?
6) The inspector asked Bill(where he went after lunch)

How far is the restaurant from your house?
7)The inspector wanted to know(how far the restaurant was from his house)

What time did you get home?
8)The inspector asked(what time/when he got home)
參考: me
2010-05-22 11:29 pm
2) I don't know, sorry!

What did you talk about during lunch?
3) The inspector asked what you had talked about during lunch.

How long did the lunch last?
4)The inspector asked how long the lunch had lasted.

What time did you leave the restaurant?
5)The inspector wanted to know what time you had left the restaurant.

Where did you go after lunch?
6) The inspector asked Bill where you had gone after lunch.

How far is the restaurant from your house?
7)The inspector wanted to know how far the restaurant from my house was.

What time did you get home?
8)The inspector asked what time I had gotten home.
參考: Myself

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