Exam the blood glucose -請Ben回答

Examines the blood glucose most suitable time?(請Benjamin回答)


為方便日後網友遇同類問題時的查閱: 謹將個人認為頗值參考的相關網站 張貼如下 糖尿病飲食治療原則 http://www.ha.org.hk/dic/sdn_02_01.html


血糖水平表 http://www.ha.org.hk/dic/sdn_02_02.html 影響血糖水平的困素 http://www.ha.org.hk/dic/sdn_02_03.html 空腹與餐後正常的血糖水平範圍 http://yckdac.hkido.cuhk.edu.hk/dm_news.html 升糖指數 http://www.ha.org.hk/dic/sdn_02_09.html 各類食物CI值列表(升醣指數)-中文版 http://alexyen.myweb.hinet.net/kk/GI.htm


以下網址 對目前針對糖尿病的藥物,作了相當詳給的說明: http://www.arpmha.org.hk/magazine/21=magnifier.htm http://www.tma.tw/magazine/ShowRepID.asp?rep_id=2330


以下的兩個網址也很有參考的價值 智友站之認識糖尿病 http://www21.ha.org.hk/smartpatient/tc/chronicdiseases_zone/details.html?id=98\ 關乎糖料病的資料: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008051500943&q=7010042301384&p=%E7%B3%96%E5%B0%BF%E7%97%85


感謝『Benjamin君』來函,賜告以下網址, 因甚有參考價值,故登錄如下: 1)最近有朋友糖尿病發作要截肢有感而發 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/article?qid=6910052600679


2)幹細胞移植治療糖尿病足超過300例 http://www.gxbyz.com/ganxibaozhiliao/tangniaobingzu/229.html 3)幹細胞治療糖尿病足病例-李某 http://www.155xbzl.com/zhiliao-anli-8-45.html 4)幹細胞治療糖尿病足患者保住了腿 http://www.zgtnw.com/tnb/bfzz/hj/200701/2295.html 5)糖尿潰瘍(糖尿腳或糖尿爛腳) http://www.hongkongstemcell.com/c/tc_casestudy.php

回答 (1)

2010-05-22 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not a doctor so can not give medical opinion. I am pharmacologist/physiologist at the BSc level, and my knowledges are 20 years old. I am in the medical field running a business.

Anyway, as far as I know, there is no best time in monitoring blood glucose. It will depends on;
1) what stage of diabetic are you in
2) what ways did you choose to control blood glucose,

and what is important is that you did it consistently, and that you can establish important trend with the Hba1C, or your average blood glucose for the specific period of time.

And most importantly, is the patient to be able to tighly/aggressively control their blood glucose, studies had shown that patients who can control their blood glucose can live longer and avoid complication later in their life.

When you formulating a strategy in monitoring blood glucose, you really need to understand how glucose concentration change in normal and diabetic patient, and probably more importantly how drug/insulin would affect.

I think the initial stage of what people would monitor is the fasting glucose, or the empty stomach blood test. it can tell whether excess glucose is present in blood. In your case, that when you use food control, and the blood glucose is still high compare to normal indicate that this method has fail, you may want to consider moving to another way to control.

2010-05-22 13:41:27 補充:
I think what other people would choose to use is the long acting insulin secreting agent, eg, dimicron, in this case, you take the drug twice a day, so you probably would want to monitor the blood glucose toward the end of drug effect.

2010-05-22 13:41:55 補充:
i.e. in the morning for the empty stomach, and in the evening before you take another dose. if both blood level indicate normal, therefore the control is success, if not you need to either increase the dose, or change the method.

2010-05-22 13:43:20 補充:
if that is the case, you will need to choose to move on to either long acting insulin therapy or short acting insulin therapy.

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