what is action and reaction

2010-05-22 7:52 pm
what is action and reaction

回答 (2)

2010-05-22 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
牛頓第三定律 (Newton's Third Law Of Motions):又稱作用與反作用定律 (law of action and reaction)。這定律說明對於每一個作用力,必會產生一方向相反、大小相等的反作用力。例如:當你推一塊木頭時,你把一作用力加於木頭,與此同時,木頭必然以一大小相等、方向相反的力加於你的手,手所承受的力就是反作用力。
2010-05-26 11:43 pm
Newton's third law of motion (Law of action and reaction):
To every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction

Action-reaction pair should:
- have the same magnitude
- act in opposite directions
- act on two different objects, exerted by one object on the other

Eg.1. Jumping
[Action] Our legs push against the ground when we jump
[Reaction] The ground exerts an upward reaction on our body

Eg.2. Cat lying on a stool
[Action] Normal reaction force on the cat by the stool
[Reaction] Force on the stool by the cat

PS. action and reaction是屬於Physics物理, 而非化學
參考: Physics textbook

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