中文翻譯成英文 +10

2010-05-22 9:14 am
我們已經收到你們寄回來的e-mail了, 還有之前你們給我們的dvd 相片集 , 多謝晒 !
在相片集中 amy and tommy 都非常精靈.活潑.可愛 !
希望不久將來再次跟你們見面 !
祝 你們全家 身體健康 , 生活愉快 !

回答 (1)

2010-05-22 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案

We've got your e-mail and the DVD photo album, thanks alot!

Amy and Tommy looked very bright, lively and cute in the photos!

We can't wait to see you again real soon!

We wish you all the best!

Best wishes,


Thank you very much for your e-mail and the DVD photo album. We have already received both of them.

Amy and Tommy appeared very smart, lively, and adorable in the pictures.

We are looking foward to seeing you all again very soon.

May health and happiness be with you and your family.

Best Regards,

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 01:15:16
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