English questions, please help?

2010-05-21 9:32 am
a horse neighs
a snake hisses
a dog barks ...

can you please tell me a list of other animals, of how they make sound? the more the better, thank you very much!

回答 (8)

2010-05-21 10:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
* Alligators - bellow, hiss
* Asses - bray
* Badgers - growl
* Basenji dogs - yodel
* Bears - growl: Grrr
* Bees - hum and buzz
* Beetles - drone
* Birds - chirrup, chirp, tweet, and sing: Bird song
* Bitterns - boom
* Blackbirds - whistle
* Bulls - bellow
* Calves - bleat
* Cats - mew, purr, meow and hiss, yowl, spit
* Cattle - moo
* Chaffinches - fink
* Chicks - cheep
* Chickens - cluck
* Cicadas - sing
* Cocks - crow
* Cows - moo
* Coyotes - yelp, cry
* Crows - caw
* Cuckoos - cuckoo
* Dingos - bark, cry
* Dodos - squawk, cry
* Dogs - bark, bay, growl, howl, yowl, whine, yip, yap, snap, snarl, and whimper
* Dolphins - click
* Donkeys - bray
* Doves - coo
* Ducks - quack
* Eagles - scream, cry
* Elephants - trumpet
* Falcons - chant
* Ferrets - dook
* Flies - buzz
* Foxes - bark or yelp or simper
* Frogs - croak
* Giraffes - bleat
* Goats - bleat, baa
* Geese - cackle and hiss or honk or quack
* Grasshoppers - chirp: Stridulation
* Guinea pigs - squeak (many guinea pig owners dub this noise as a "wheek")
* Hamsters - squeak
* Hares - squeak
* Hawks - scream
* Hens - cluck
* Hippopotamuses - bellow, rumble, roar, growl
* Humans - talk (many languages, the English language being somewhat guttural)
* Horses - neigh or whinny
* Hyenas - laugh
* Jackals - howl
* Jays - chatter
* Koalas - scream, bellow, wail
* Komodo dragons - growl, snarl, hiss
* Lambs - bleat
* Linnets - chuckle
* Lions - roar
* Llamas - growl
* Magpies - chatter
* Mice - squeak and squeal
* Monkeys - gibber
* Moose - bellow
* Mosquitoes - whine
* Nightingales - pipe and warble
* Okapis - cough, bellow
* Ostriches - bleep bleep
* Owls - screech, shriek, and hoot
* Oxen - low
* Parrots - talk
* Peacocks - scream
* Penguins - honk
* Pigs - oink, snort, grunt, and call
* Pigeons - coo
* Porpoises - whistle, click
* Prairie dogs - bark
* Puffles - squeak
* Queleas - twitter, whistle, chirp, shriek, and squawk
* Rabbits - squeak, drum
* Raccoons - chitter
* Rats - squeak
* Ravens - croak
* Road Runners - meep meep
* Rooks - caw
* Seals - bark
* Sharks - hom hom
* Sheep - bleat, baa
* Snakes - hiss
* Sparrows - chirp
* Squirrels - squeak
* Stags - bellow
* Swallows - twit and squeal
* Swans - cry
* Tigers - growl
* Thrushes - whistle
* Tokay Geckos - to-keh!
* Turkeys - gobble
* Vultures - scream
* Walruses - groan
* Whales - sing: Whale song.
* Wolves - howl, cry
* Zebras - click.
2016-04-12 10:15 am
There is certainly a lot to be done, although I praise the effort that has thus far been put in. My first quarrel is the 'Top Contributor' badge, it is quite easy to attain, and once you have it, its a feeling of 'What now?' it simply doesn't feel as prestigious as it should (considering we are then trapped in a feeling of 'having' to keep answering to keep it there). There are so many people who answer half the questions I do (and then vote for there own answer on several accounts) and still have the same badge, I feel that once you earn top contributor in a category, you should then be able to earn an additional badge, perhaps a silver blue thinner badge (similar to the staff badge) which hangs just below the orange TC badge saying 'Further Contributor' or something of the sort HOWEVER, this badge should be very hard to attain and given to the top 10 best answerers in the category or another criteria that would keep it prestigious, simply because the 'Top Contributor' badge has lost its prestige and it would mean that the few people who have it genuinely have to work for it, and the 99% of people who don't have it, always feel like they have a goal, it also encourages the people YOU want to continue to use the site (those who are genuine experts in the field) to do so. There also isnt very much in terms of getting the 'Top Spot' in a category, once you get the most best answers in a category... nothing happens, no congrats email or additional badge or animated yahoo answers icon for your display picture - its sort of a kick in the teeth considering the effort needed. There isn't enough being done to encourage experts to continue answering. Also, there is a good chance that for someone to earn this new blue badge they genuinely have to be quite skilled in the area of expertise, which means that anyone who has the pleasure of having there question answered by someone with it - feels less reluctant to take there advise, as they must be quite smart. My second problem an issue of much controversy, its the fact that you can vote for your own answer as the best, not only this, but because there is no I.P limit, you can make 10 separate accounts (Its against the rules yes,but people continue to do it) and then make sure your answer is the best, how is it fair that a person who writes 'lol' on an answer gets the best answer, when I spent an hour writing an essay. At least change it so you cant vote for you own, and preferably, so its one vote per ip. Thirdly, some of the categories are getting ridiculous, there are a few that are BARELY used and some that are VERY used because the category covers way to many things and is too general (such as the rodents category) which needs splitting up, remove those not being used, and expand those that need it (ie - split the rodents category into hamsters,guinea pigs etc - almost all the most popular pets are being thrown into one category, and NOBODY in that category is a specialist in more then one animal) Lastly, a fantastic idea is a mandatory small description/reason why you thumbs up/thumbs down an answer, currently thumbs up/down is so easy to do, its meaningless. Yours Sincerely, Tom Ayre - NO1, Answer in Rodents.
2010-05-24 6:40 am
I was going to add one more thing that you need first a list of animals before you attempt to make a database with animal sounds
Check my source for a complete list of animals then cross reference with already mentioned wiki page.
2010-05-21 9:50 am
a cat meows
a cow moo's
a lamb baa's
2010-05-21 9:45 am
a bird tweets
a cat's meow/hiss
a pig's snort
a hamster squeaks
a cow's moo
a mouse squeaks
a lion's roar
a hyena's laugh
a cat's purr
a duck's quack
eagles scream
wolfs howl
dolphin's click

an owl's who
a tiger's growl
a bears roar/grunts
chicken's cluck
bee's buzz
2010-05-21 9:34 am
Apes gibber
Asses bray
Bears growl
Bees hum, buzz, murmur
Beetles drone
Birds sing
Bitterns boom
Blackbirds whistle
Bulls bellow
Calves bleat
Cats meow, mew, purr,
Chickens peep, cackle
Cocks crow
Cows moo, low

2010-05-21 9:34 am
a cow moos
a pig oinks
a duck quacks
a cat meows
an owl coos

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