.下有D關於S3 PHY ( HEAT )既問題
有D有答案 但5明點解 希望有人幫到我!
1 Which one would cool a cup of hot drink to a lower temperature, water bath of mass 1kg at 0 degrees Celesius or ice of mass 0.2kg at 0 degrees Celesius? Explain briefly with calculations.
2 Why is black sand added to the chestnuts when they're being roasted?
3 Is it always true that we'll feel cooler when we touch the object which is a good conductor(eg. metal) than an object which is a poor conductor(eg wood)?
1. Which of the following chemical substances can provide the body with energy?
A. carbohydrates, fats and proteins only
B. carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleric acids only
D ANS 5使長篇大論
THX :)