About tense!

2010-05-22 12:21 am
1.Her teachers _________(be) proud of her.( past tense )

2.After the ceremony, Sally saw her parents _________(stand) at the back of the hall. When they came up to her, Sally's father ________(say),'Well done!'

回答 (9)

2010-05-22 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. were
2. standing, said (句子中"saw"已經係動詞,所以"standing"前面唔洗加"were")

2010-05-21 17:22:08 補充:
2010-05-23 12:17 am
1. were
2.stand/standing (因為saw之後係加bare infinitive 同gerund 都得)

2010-05-22 8:31 pm


2010-05-22 7:22 am
1.Her teachers were (be) proud of her. ( past tense )

2.After the ceremony, Sally saw her parents stand (stand) at the back of the hall. When they came up to her, Sally's father said (say), 'Well done!'
2010-05-22 2:04 am
1.Her teachers were proud of her.
2.After the ceremony, Sally saw her parents stood at the back of the hall. When they came up to her, Sally's father said ,'Well done!'

2010-05-21 18:05:18 補充:
2.After the ceremony, Sally saw her parents standing at the back of the hall. When they came up to her, Sally's father said ,'Well done!'
2010-05-22 12:52 am
2.were standing, said
參考: myself
2010-05-22 12:35 am
2.After the ceremony, Sally saw her parents (standing) at the back of the hall. When they came up to her, Sally's father (said),'Well done!'
2010-05-22 12:33 am
2.were standing said
參考: 補充練習
2010-05-22 12:26 am
2.were standing, said

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