
2010-05-21 11:41 pm
1) 研究表明,女孩的觸覺比較敏感, 她們的模仿動作比較準確, 經過訓練容易寫出娟秀的字體, 編織出花樣美麗的毛衣, 做出迷人的舞姿,能做好護理和打字等需要準確動作的工作
2) 女性對聲音的辨別和定位能力也比較強,容易被各種聲響吸引,樂感較強,喜歡唱歌聽音樂。
3) 女性在語言表達和短時記憶方面勝過男孩。在序述某件事的時候,她們往往帶有濃厚的感情色彩;看了電影或戲劇以後,喜歡繪聲繪色地描述角色的長相、表情和動作,甚至偷偷加以模仿

回答 (4)

2010-05-25 12:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The research states that girls are more sensitive in terms of tactile. Their imitation ability is relatively accurate. They can knit wonderful sweaters of different styles, can perform the dancing art in a charming way, they can also take good care of things and able to perform skills which require high level of accuracy like typing.
2) Girls excel in determination of voices and easy to be attracted by different types of voices. Their sense of music is comparatively strong, like to sing and listen to music.

3) Girls are stronger than boys in terms of verbal expression and short-term memory. When they describe a matter, they always have richness in their emotions. After watching a movie or drama, they can describe the characters in a very lively, they will even imitate in the subconscious level.
2010-05-22 12:29 am

The research indicated that girl's sense of touch is quite sensitive, their imitation movement is quite accurate, easy to write the beautiful typeface after the training, the knitting plays tricks the beautiful woolen sweater, makes the enchanting dancer's posture, can complete the work which nursing and the typing and so on need to act accurately

The female is also quite strong to the sound discernment and localization ability, by each kind of sound attraction, the musical sense is been easily strong, likes singing listens music.

The female exceeds the boy in the language performance and the short-term memory aspect. In the foreword states some matter's time, they often have the strong sentimental color; After watching the movie or the play, likes describing the role appearance, the expression and the movement vividly, even performs to imitate secretly
2010-05-22 12:15 am
1) The research indicated that girl's sense of touch is quite sensitive, their imitation movement is quite accurate, easy to write the beautiful typeface after the training, the knitting plays tricks the beautiful woolen sweater, makes the enchanting dancer's posture, can complete the work which nursing and the typing and so on need to act accurately

2) The female is also quite strong to the sound discernment and localization ability, by each kind of sound attraction, the musical sense is been easily strong, likes singing listens music.

3) The female exceeds the boy in the language performance and the short-term memory aspect. In the foreword states some matter's time, they often have the strong sentimental color; After watching the movie or the play, likes describing the role appearance, the expression and the movement vividly, even performs to imitate secretly
參考: xx
2010-05-22 12:08 am
1)Research shows that girls touch sensitive, and their more accurate imitation of action, easily trained to write graceful fonts, knit a beautiful sweater patterns to make beautiful dancing, can do typing and other necessary care and precise movements of the work

2) The voice of women on the ability to identify and locate relatively strong, easy to attract a variety of sounds, strong sense of music, like singing listening to music.

3) women in the language and aspects of short-term memory than boys. When something in the order above, they often come with strong emotional; watched a movie or drama then, like the vivid descriptions describe the role of appearance, facial expressions and gestures, and even secretly to imitate
參考: google翻譯

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