poly U 自資學位學費一問

2010-05-21 11:33 pm
請問有冇人知道poly U 自資學位係點樣計學費?
poly網站寫住tourism management :$2400/credit, 讀1.5 年
除左錢之外, 仲需要D乜野資格?
自資學位同埋非自資學位, 除左學費方面, 仲有冇乜野唔同?

回答 (1)

2010-05-22 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
好簡單, poly網站寫了要修讀48-63 credit
如你要讀48credit = $2400 x 48 = $115,200
如你要讀63credit = $2400 x 63 = $151,200

你要讀幾多 credit 看你的學歷, 網站有寫

Credits Required for Graduation
The number of credits that are required in this programme ranges from 48 to 63, depending on the entry qualifications of the student. Higher Diploma graduates from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management are required to take 48 credits to complete the programme, whereas other students are required to take up to a maximum of 63 credits. Nevertheless, the actual number of credits to be completed by students is considered on a case-by-case basis.

2010-05-21 23:14:13 補充:
自資學位同埋非自資學位, 除左學費方面, 其他都是一樣的

你應打電話去polyu問, 會清楚好多

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