English 作文好難呀

2010-05-21 9:29 pm
MSN and Twitter are good ways for us to learn English. Using them to practise English is even better than reading books and newspapers. Do you agree with this statement ? Give reasons.500 WORK~~THX

回答 (2)

2010-05-21 11:51 pm
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MSN and Twitter are good ways for us to learn English. Using them to practise English is even better than reading books and newspapers. Do you agree with this statement ?

~~MSN and Twitter prevail nowadays and are regarded as the most popular communication strategy on the website. We can learn English via them. However, when compare with reading books and newspapers, Msn and Twitter are not the most effective way to study English.

~~Books are recognized as the intellectual food in which we can absorb miscellaneous kinds of knowledge. We can learn the aspect of science, politicans etc, causing to broaden our horizons. Expects need to adduce the books to support their ideas because books have a long time history and hold a lot of conviction. Those books are the crystals of effort of the past. That's why book is more importat than MSN and Twitter. Newspaper, another midia of absorbing knowledge, can help us to know the latest information of our society or even the world. We can also learn critical thinking because many expects may criticise the couse of action and thus we can judge whether the policy is suitable or not.

~~Compare with MSN and Twitter, I deem that it is not the most suitable method because Msn and twitter devotes in communication and photo sharing but not the transmission of information. Also the authority of information was less than the books and newspapers. Some of the informaion may be fake and not updated and thus we may derivea wrong knowledge from the communication.In conclusion, in entirety, we can not get much knowledge than Books and newspaper.

~~Also, some of the english in MSN and TWITTER may be informal such as 'thank' may write as 'thx'. We should not treat as a formal english so that it is a genesis of a false knowledge.

2010-05-21 15:52:03 補充:
by wing

indeed hope i can help u
2010-05-21 10:34 pm
完全唔覺得會係LOR............因為MSN/TWITTER呢D剩係講一D簡化左既英文~ 完全都唔係正規英文黎既~ 點學到正宗英文呢? 串字都學唔倒~ 長期咁用咪唔識串字又學唔倒GRAMMAR~~

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