
2010-05-21 9:03 pm
冇用正確方法刪除,而係刪除o左磁碟機入邊Program Files既程式file,搞到果樣程式重裝又裝唔到,刪除又刪唔到,次次刪除就話無法取得版號資訊...但係係Program Files關於果樣程式既file已經全部比人del晒..有咩方法可以重新安裝返呢個程式..

已經試過晒,係重裝唔到 一重裝佢就叫我先刪除舊有版本


step 2成功 感謝你的耐心解答~ 夠4個鐘選你做最佳回答 感謝~

回答 (4)

2010-05-28 9:34 pm
2.按(XP以下叫)'新增或移除程式' / (Vista以上叫)'解除安裝程式'

參考: myself
2010-05-21 11:02 pm

Firstly, try the add or remove programs in the control
panel. Otherwise, try:

Step 1. Go to this site and download Microsoft’s uninstaller and run it and if
the program you want to get rid of is on the list select it and remove from
your computer.


Step 2. Click on start. click on run, type regedit, and when it opens click on
HKey local machine, Software, Microsoft, Windows, Current Version, click on the
plus sign for uninstall and it opens all the programs installed on your
computer, scroll and see if the program you want to get rid of is on the
list…if it is, right click on it and delete it.

Step 3. Click on start, click on run, type msconfig, and when it opens click on
BOOT.INI and check the box that says, SAFE MODE. Boot the computer to safe mode
and when it opens click on DRIVE C and click on program files and click on the
folder of the program you want to delete from your computer and delete it. Then
click on the common files folder and see if it is in there and if it is delete

Don't forget to go back to click on start, click on run, type msconfig, and when
it opens click on BOOT.INI and uncheck the box that says, SAFE MODE or you will
boot to safe mode again.

But if it still comes up, download and run
hijackthis and delete the entries. That's all you can do besides formatting and restoring Windows.

Download Hijackthis here:


參考: My PC Know How
2010-05-21 9:36 pm
  有是一個問題,軟件的名稱沒有寫出。因為一些試用版軟件,就算用「正確」的方法反安裝,都是不能重裝的。如Adobe 的產品。
2010-05-21 9:06 pm
參考: 我試過

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