如何在 hotmail 設定拒收郵件?

2010-05-21 7:06 pm
   近來受垃圾郵件滋擾,如何在 hotmail 設定拒收郵件?不是將垃圾郵件過濾至垃圾筒,而令其發送時直接打回頭。

回答 (1)

2010-05-21 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hotmail is a public email server its not going to work on the web interface but you can add the sender as a "Phishing" sender so it will move the sender to the Trash box automatically.

Even you can set auto reply using outlook but the sender is use fake address thats not going to work so just trash it and you won't see those annoying email.



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